Premesso che fumo sigarette da anni e anni e so il rischio che corro, sono completamente d'accordo con quimico: mai mi fumerei qualcosa estratto in casa da me.
Non ho trovato nulla sulla composizione dell'olio essenziale di tabacco, ma di seguito trovi le caratteristiche chimico-fisiche della nicotina.
Ti consiglio di tradurre attentamente tutto ciò che c'è scritto, in particolare questo:
Toxicity data: LD50 in mice (mg/kg): 0.3 i.v.; 9.5 i.p.; 230 orally (Barlow, McLeod)
La Dose Letale 50 è la quantità minima di sostanza per kg di peso corporeo che provoca la morte del 50% degli animali testati.
0,3 mg per via intravenosa ogni kg di peso del topo
9,5 mg per via intraperitoneale ogni kg di peso del topo
230 mg per inalazione ogni kg di peso del topo
Title: Nicotine
CAS Registry Number: 54-11-5
CAS Name: 3-[(2S)-1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinyl]pyridine
Additional Names: 1-methyl-2-(3-pyridyl)pyrrolidine; beta-pyridyl-alfa-N-methylpyrrolidine
Trademarks: Habitrol (Novartis); Nicabate (HMR); Nicoderm CQ (SKB); Nicolan (Elan); Nicopatch (Fabre); Nicotinell (Novartis); Tabazur (Théraplix)
Molecular Formula: C10H14N2
Molecular Weight: 162.23.
Percent Composition: C 74.04%, H 8.70%, N 17.27%
Literature References: From the dried leaves of Nicotiana tabacum and N. rustica where it occurs to the extent of 2 to 8%, combined with citric and malic acids. Extraction procedure: Gattermann, Wieland, Laboratory Methods of Organic Chemistry (New York, 24th ed., 1937); Schwyzer, Die Fabrikation pharmazeutischer und chemisch-technischer Produkte (Berlin, 1931). Purification: Ratz, Monatsh. 26, 1241 (1905). Structure and synthesis: Pinner, Ber. 26, 294 (1893); Pictet, Rotschy, Ber. 37, 1225 (1904); Craig, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 55, 2854 (1933); M. Nakane, C. R. Hutchinson, J. Org. Chem. 43, 3922 (1978). Conformation in soln: T. P. Pitner et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 100, 246 (1978). HPLC determn in plasma: M. Harlharan et al., Clin. Chem. 34, 724 (1988). Toxicity data: R. B. Barlow, L. J. McLeod, Brit. J. Pharmacol. 35, 161 (1969). Review and bibliography: Jackson, Chem. Rev. 29, 123 (1941). Review of pharmacology: R. W. Ryall in Neuropoisons: Their Pathophysiological Actions vol. 2, L. L. Simpson, D. R. Curtis, Eds. (Plenum, New York, 1974) pp 61-97; N. L. Benowitz, Ann. Rev. Med. 37, 21-32 (1986). Clinical trial of long-term efficacy in smoking cessation: T. Blondal et al., Brit. Med. J. 318, 285 (1999). Review of clinical experience in Tourette syndrome: A. A. Silver et al., CNS Spectrums 4, 68-76 (1999).
Properties: Colorless to pale yellow, oily liq; very hygroscopic; turns brown on exposure to air or light. Acrid burning taste. Develops odor of pyridine. bp(745 mmHg) 247°C (partial decompn); bp(17 mmHg) 123-125°C. Volatile with steam. n(D/20) 1.5282. d(4/20) 1.00925. [alfa](D/20) -169.3° (neat); [alfa](546,1 nm) -204.1°. pK1 (15°) 6.16; pK2 10.96. pH of 0.05M soln: 10.2. Forms salts with almost any acid and double salts with many metals and acids. Absorption spectrum: Purvis, J. Chem. Soc. 97, 1035 (1910); Dobbie, Fox, ibid. 103, 1194 (1913). Optical rotatory properties: T. M. Lowry, W. V. Lloyd, J. Chem. Soc. 1929, 1771. Misc with water below 60°; on mixing nicotine with water the volume contracts. Very sol in alc, chloroform, ether, petr ether, kerosene, oils. Distribution of nicotine between water and petroleum oils: Norton, Ind. Eng. Chem., Ind. Ed. 32, 241 (1940). LD50 in mice (mg/kg): 0.3 i.v.; 9.5 i.p.; 230 orally (Barlow, McLeod).
Boiling point: bp745 247° (partial decompn); bp17 123-125°
pKa: pK1 (15°) 6.16; pK2 10.96
Optical Rotation: [a]D20 -169.3° (neat); [a]5461 -204.1°
Index of refraction: nD20 1.5282
Density: d420 1.00925
Toxicity data: LD50 in mice (mg/kg): 0.3 i.v.; 9.5 i.p.; 230 orally (Barlow, McLeod)
Derivative Type: Hydrochloride
CAS Registry Number: 21361-93-3
Molecular Formula: C10H14N2.HCl
Molecular Weight: 198.70.
Percent Composition: C 60.45%, H 7.61%, N 14.10%, Cl 17.84%
Properties: Deliquesc crystals. [a]D20 +104° (p = 10).
Optical Rotation: [a]D20 +104° (p = 10)
Derivative Type: Dihydrochloride
CAS Registry Number: 6019-02-9
Molecular Formula: C10H14N2.2HCl
Molecular Weight: 235.16.
Percent Composition: C 51.08%, H 6.86%, N 11.91%, Cl 30.15%
Properties: Deliquesc crystals, very sol in water and alcohol. Nearly insol in ether.
Derivative Type: Sulfate
CAS Registry Number: 65-30-5
Additional Names: Nicotine neutral sulfate
Molecular Formula: (C10H14N2)2.H2SO4
Molecular Weight: 422.55.
Percent Composition: C 56.85%, H 7.16%, N 13.26%, S 7.59%, O 15.15%
Properties: Six-sided tablets. [a]D20 +88° (p = 70). Sol in water, alcohol.
Optical Rotation: [a]D20 +88° (p = 70)
Derivative Type: Bitartrate
CAS Registry Number: 65-31-6
Additional Names: Nicotine tartrate
Molecular Formula: C10H14N2.2C4H6O6
Molecular Weight: 462.40.
Percent Composition: C 46.75%, H 5.67%, N 6.06%, O 41.52%
Properties: Dihydrate, crystals. mp 90°. [a]D20 +26° (c = 10). Very sol in water or alcohol.
Melting point: mp 90°
Optical Rotation: [a]D20 +26° (c = 10)
Derivative Type: Zinc chloride double salt monohydrate
Molecular Formula: C10H16Cl4N2Zn.H2O
Molecular Weight: 389.49.
Percent Composition: C 30.84%, H 4.67%, Cl 36.41%, N 7.19%, Zn 16.79%, O 4.11%
Properties: Also with 4H2O. Very sol in water; sparingly sol in abs alcohol and ether.
Derivative Type: Salicylate
CAS Registry Number: 29790-52-1
Trademarks: Eudermol
Molecular Formula: C17H20N2O3
Molecular Weight: 300.35.
Percent Composition: C 67.98%, H 6.71%, N 9.33%, O 15.98%
Properties: Six-sided plates, mp 118°. [a]D20 +13° (c = 9). Freely sol in water or alcohol.
Melting point: mp 118°
Optical Rotation: [a]D20 +13° (c = 9)
Derivative Type: Polacrilex
CAS Registry Number: 96055-45-7
Trademarks: Nicorette (HMR)
Literature References: Prepn: S. Lichtneckert et al., DE 2136119; eidem, US 3901248 (1972, 1975 both to AB Leo). Review of efficacy in smoking cessation: K. O. Fagerström, Prog. Clin. Biol. Res. 261, 109-128 (1988).
CAUTION: Nicotine can be absorbed through the alimentary canal, respiratory tract and intact skin. Potential symptoms of overexposure are nausea, salivation, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea; headache, dizziness, auditory and visual disturbances; confusion, weakness, incoordination; paroxysmal atrial fibrillation; convulsions, dyspnea. Death may result from paralysis of respiratory muscles. See NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (DHHS/NIOSH 97-140, 1997) p 224; Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products, R. E. Gosselin et al., Eds. (Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 5th ed., 1984) Section III, pp 311-314.
Use: Insecticide; fumigant. In the U.S. a 40% soln of nicotine sulfate, Black Leaf 40, was the commonly used form. As a contact poison it is most effective as soap, i.e., as the laurate, oleate, or naphthenate. As a stomach poison a combination with bentonite has come into use.
Therap-Cat: Treatment of smoking withdrawal syndrome.
Therap-Cat-Vet: Ectoparasiticide. Has been used as an anthelmintic.
Io comunque proverei sempre con una distillazione in corrente di vapore del vegetale mettendo nel pallone da distillazione quanto più materiale ti è possibile, dipende dalle dimensioni del pallone che possiedi.
Una volta raccolto il distillato (costituito per la maggior parte da acqua in cui è disciolta una piccola quantità di olio essenziale, mentre l'altra parte dell'olio si deve vedere "ad occhio nudo" galleggiare sull'acqua), si satura la soluzione acquosa con sodio cloruro solido, cioè se ne aggiunge in grandi quantità fino a che non si scioglie più.
Si trasferisce il tutto in un imbuto separatore e si eseguono almeno 2-3 estrazioni con 20-30 mL di etere etilico per volta, conservando e riunendo la fase estratta superiore: questa è una soluzione umida di olio essenziale disciolto in etere etilico.
Si disidrata la soluzione umida con sodio solfato anidro, si filtra con vetreria secca e si evapora l'etere con Rotavapor o a temperatura ambiente.
Quello che rimane è l'olio essenziale.
Alla fine ti fai due conti, vedi quanto olio hai ottenuto dalla massa di tabacco che hai utilizzato e vedi se il gioco vale la candela.